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Best Schools Award

On Tuesday, November 14, 2023, U.S. News published their 2024 Best Elementary Schools and Best Middle Schools rankings, and the news is good for Treynor Community School District. The Elementary School and Middle School both earned a "Best Schools Award". Overall, Treynor Middle School was ranked #5 in Iowa and the Elementary School was ranked #14 in Iowa.

Read their published information about the district, including the new rankings:



How U.S. News Calculated the rankings:

For each state, schools were assessed on their pupils’ proficiencies in mathematics and reading, as measured by state assessment tests. Half of the ranking formula was the results themselves; the other half was the results in the context of socioeconomic demographics. In other words, the top-ranked schools are high achieving ones that succeeded in educating all of their students. U.S. News published distinct elementary and middle school rankings calculated at the state and district levels, as well as state rankings specific to charter and magnet schools. All data for the rankings are from third-party sources, including the U.S. Department of Education. U.S. News has published numerical rankings for more than 37,000 public elementary schools and more than 18,000 public middle schools. Most schools with an elementary school ranking offer grades K-5 or K-6, while most with a middle school ranking offer grades 6-8 or 7-8. Some schools with wider grade spans were ranked in both categories.

U.S. News has published an in-depth methodology article that provides more information about the rankings and how they were calculated.