Registration for Returning Families
This registration page is for returning students.
Student Registration Information Forms highlighted in green are required, whereas forms highlighted in yellow are optional. Forms that can be signed digitally do not need a paper copy filled out (these forms are listed for informational purposes).
- The online parent registration portal is now open for the 2024-25 school year. All parents are required to register their child(ren) using this portal and should complete these steps by August 9th. Communication will be submitted to families when the portal opens.
- See the Online Registration Guide for step-by-step guidance. Most of what you need to do is found on the Registration Dashboard of the parent portal,
- IMPORTANT NOTE: The JMC Family App is not setup to complete school registration. You should use a web browser from a computer or mobile device. If you are using a mobile device to view the portal, it is best to go to the bottom of the web page and click to "View JMC in Desktop mode".
- Over-the-Counter Medicine Form (ALL students) -- TO BE SIGNED DIGITALLY WITHIN JMC
- Parental Insurance Waiver (ALL students) -- TO BE SIGNED DIGITALLY WITHIN JMC
- Dental Screen Certification Form (9th Grade & Kindergarten Students)
- Permission for Administration of Prescription Meds (yearly for applicable students)
- Diet Modification Request Form (for applicable students)
- This form requires a doctor's signature
- Asthma/Airway Constricting Self-Administration Meds (yearly for applicable students)
- This form requires a doctor's signature
- CardinalNet AUP & Agreement Form (ALL students)--TO BE SIGNED DIGITALLY WITHIN JMC
- Google for Education - Parental Consent (ALL students)-- TO BE SIGNED DIGITALLY WITHIN JMC
- Chromebook Handbook & Agreements (ALL students)-- TO BE SIGNED DIGITALLY WITHIN JMC
Refer to the Athletic/Activity Forms page.
- All information regarding Free and Reduced Meal Application can be found under our Nutrition web menu. Parents are encouraged to apply for the program within the JMC Parent Portal.
- PK-8th Grade School Supply Lists 2024-25
- Students in grades 6-12 are required to furnish their own computer bag or case. Click here to read the article with bag/case options.
- Students in 9th-12th grade do not have a supply list because each class may require different or unique supplies. You can start with some of the basic supplies found in the 8th grade supply list.
- MS-HS Student Handbook 2024-25-- TO BE SIGNED DIGITALLY WITHIN JMC
- Senior-Junior Release Permission Form-- TO BE SIGNED DIGITALLY WITHIN JMC
- Elementary Student Handbook 2024-25-- TO BE SIGNED DIGITALLY WITHIN JMC
- Elementary Field Trip Permission-- TO BE SIGNED DIGITALLY WITHIN JMC
- Activity Pass Purchase Link (24-25 activity passes will be live for purchase on 8/1/2024)
- FERPA_Student Directory Authorization Form-- TO BE SIGNED DIGITALLY WITHIN JMC
To donate to the Treynor Community Schools Fund to support classroom projects and programming, please go to the online donation page here. For more information about this fund, please read more here.
If you wish to donate to one of the many school-sponsored Booster/Activity Groups, please read this article for information on how to do this.